Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Weightloss: Clarification and Question of Week - Breakfast

As I am going through this process and seeing everyone's feedback and comments, I want to say Thank you for the kind words and support. I am overwhelmed!


I have been told that I was not clear on my opinion on something. So I am going to be straight out - and remember it is my opinion. HCG. I do not like HCG in regards to weight loss. I think it is a crock. I think HCG is dangerous and not the best route to go. My statement in my earlier blog about HCG is that what I do like HCG is that it was one of the medicines that I used in the infertility study to help me get pregnant. If you are using HCG to get pregnant, I applaud you! It is great for that!
There are so many other ways to loose weight that are much healthier. If you are looking for a quick easy way to loose weight with out work or a magic pill - then I am sorry to tell you - You are NOT going to find it. Put it this way, if it were as easy as popping something, wouldn't we all be perfectly skinny?!

NOW onto the important stuff! :-)


Question this week is "What Do you eat for Breakfast?"

First, let me share one of the many cool tools that are on the web that are very helpful in research when it comes to calorie diets. Or any diet that you need to know your nutritional values. I love Calorie King!
They have books, apps and all sorts of tools. The one I use the most is the Food Search function on their website - which is FREE! Here you can get the information on any food, including at most restaurants and for most brands. Best part is that you can choose and adjust the serving size so you don't have to try and calculate it all out.

When it comes to food, we all have some things that are non negotiable. You know, those things that you WILL NOT give up. Mine is my morning cup and sometimes cups of coffee. No hope and no chance. The key is to NOT give them up but to find healthier ways to enjoy them and or make them work. What I did for coffee in the beginning was cut back on it, one cup a day. I already drank it with Splenda, so there was no adjustments there. Now, the problem was that I liked it LIGHT. I looked and found that Sugar Free Creamers had the least amount of calories than the others. Found one flavored kind that I liked and could tolerate drinking the coffee a little darker than normal. Then I was good to go.

1 Cup of Coffee - 8 oz is 2 Cal
2 tsp of Coffee Mate Sugar Free Vanilla Creamer - 10 Cal
1 Splenda - 4 Cal
Total Calories - 16 calories for cup of Coffee

Food itself - varied on what I wanted. My target for Calorie allotment was to try to stay within 300 calories for breakfast. (remember, I worked with 1000 cal a day)

Some mornings I had Light and Fit yogurt by Dannon. As it has the best flavor and the least Calories. 80 Calories in a container. If I had this, I would also add fresh fruit to round it out. 1/4 c of blueberries has 21 calories. 1/4 c of sliced strawberries has 13 calories.

Other mornings I would make a breakfast burrito. I would grill chicken, onions, tomatoes, sometimes mushrooms or other veggies. Most veggies for a 1/4 c is about 20-40 calories at MOST. I would scramble egg whites and put it in Lavish Bread. My favorite is by Joseph's Lavash Bread and can be found at Walmart and most Supermarkets. I like their pita pockets also.

3 egg equivalent of egg beater egg whites - 75 calories
onions 1/4 c chopped and sauteed - 17 calories
1 serving (4oz) boneless skinless chicken breast - grilled - 100 calories
2 tablespoons of salsa - 18 calories
1/2 of Joseph's Lavish Bread - 50 calories
Total calories - 260 calories for Chicken Burrito Wrap

As a side note - for a butter, I use the "I Can Not Believe It's Not Butter" in the spray bottle. It has 0 Calories. I use it on foods and to cook. As an FYI, it has less than the same kind in the tub.

 I like Oatmeal, my favorite being Raisin Spice Quaker Oatmeal which has 150 calories per packet. Only issue with eating something like this early on in the diet is that you will not feel very full. Which brings me to brings me to one very important point.

To be successful on this diet, or any for that matter, is to do your research and find foods that you will like, that you will eat and that will fill you.
Example, notice a trend with most fruits and vegetables listed above? They are LOW IN CALORIES!! When people ask what I did to loose the weight and I tell them, their first comment is "well you must of starved!" Well, no, I didn't! I ate a LOT of vegetables and a lot of fruits. Which are very healthy for you and low in calories. However, as a caution - always check them out first, as not all are low in calories. Example is Potatoes, a medium baked with nothing on it is 161 calories. Cup of Mashed Potatoes is 237 calories when prepared with milk and butter. That is half the meal.

What I love about this diet is that I can eat what ever I want. All I have to do is keep it with in the days allowed calories. So if I want that chocolate cake with frosting (1/8 of slice on an average brand is 235 calories) then I could have it. However, I would really recommend sticking to the healthy habits in the beginning until you get used to it and staying away from the cake. But the point is, if you are craving it - go for it. Just count it! When you are working with such little amount of calories, you have to make each one count!

I hope that this answers the question about breakfast and gives you some ideas.

Some others are....
egg white omelets (use Swiss cheese - less calories)

If you come across some good recipes, please share in comments!

XOXO and Love,


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