Monday, March 5, 2012

Children with ADHD and Tomorrow's Weight Loss

Monday's are always crazy! Is there ever a time that they are not? I know, always consider that as a blessing that I have so much to do that I can complain. :-D

Family Update

Another update on the Family, for those that are not aware. I will be doing these only for the next few days to bring you up to date to where everyone is....

Today is Liam...

With the start of Kindergarten for Liam, many concerns that we had were confirmed.
Liam has always been one of those 90 to nothing type of children. Outgoing, center of it all, very "spirited" and not very shy. Which, I must admit - I LOVE!
Then, with Kindergarten, we realized that his not wanting to play with just one toy and wanting to go and have fun was not the best thing for a structured classroom. As school went on, and after many many days of Liam being on "red" for talking during class, not listening and other things as such, Sean and I had decided to have him tested for ADHD.  We had come to realize that what we knew was possible, was true, Liam had ADHD.

Having mychild tested for ADHD is one of the toughest things that I have gone through. Mostly because I had to also evaluate my child and had to admit to myself that my child was difficult at times. Now, when I say difficult - know that there is a MAJOR difference between children with ADHD and children with behavior issues. Liam could not focus long enough to get his work done. He knew what he needed to do and how to do it, but could not do it.

When we sat with his Doctor to go over the results and decide where we were going to go from "here". Liam was explaining to her what a day at school was like. How he could not concentrate. How he was always in trouble for talking and not being able to sit still in class. You could tell how much this upset him. The Dr. turned to him and said "how about if I told you that this was not your fault and I could help you be on green every day, would you like that?" I can still remember the expression on his face, tears came to my eyes as he got very excited and confused at the same time. She proceeded to explain to my 5 year old how she could help him be a better student and what was happening was not his fault. He was so excited and ready to be a better student. I just sat, watched and cried at his renewed hope, and for the first time in a long time - his excitement to learn.

We are now two months in since this appointment. The decision was made, very strongly against my want, to put Liam on medication. We have tried one type and I did not like the side effects. He was irritable, moody, and depressed. He did excellent at school, but not worth it at the cost of the side effects. This month he is on a different type. This type has been much much better. School has been wonderful and he has been more himself. He talks a mile a minute. He is fun to be around most of the time. I say most of the time, because he is still a 5 year old boy! HA!!!

I love my kids and for those who know, I have PCOS and struggled with infertility. I prayed and worked with Doctors to have my babies. I don't take decisions that I make on their behalf lightly. The decision of putting Liam on meds was not taken lightly and I did a lot of crying and praying. I keep a journal on him and how he does everyday. This helps me report back to the Doctors and helps them make a decision on which way we need to go.

I am still learning so much about ADHD and what I need to do to help my son be successful in school and in life. Which to me is very important. I want him to be the best he can be and wants to be. Don't we all?

If you know more about ADHD or have a child with ADHD and I would love to talk!


Weightloss - Tomorrow's Entry

TOMORROW - yes, the DAY you have been waiting for! So....TOMORROW is day 1 of sharing my road to weight loss. I am going to share the following with you.....
1. My first visit with my Doctor.
2. What FINALLY motivated me.

and if you have a question that you want answered, don't forget to get it to me as soon as possible. I will answer one a week in my blog!

Now, I will say - a lot of this is going to be hard and embarrassing for me to share. But in order to help you - I am going to lay MOST of it out there for you.

I will add this disclaimer. THIS IS MY EXPERIENCE. This is what I went through. This is how I felt and what I did. ALWAYS check with your Doctor before going through a weight loss program. They feel the need to monitor (yes, that is meant tongue and cheek - you will understand later).

Until tomorrow!

XOXO and Love,


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