Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day in the Life of Me

Thursday's begin very early in our house. I have to be out the door by 6:30 am to go pick up my Mother to bring her to dialysis. I bring Seamus with me and Sean will bring Liam to school. That way no one is overly rushed.

Many days Seamus requests Krispy Kreme Donuts for breakfast or sometimes it is what I have to bribe in order to get him up, dressed and out the door quickly!
He loves watching the donut assembly line. Then picking out which ones he wants. For those who have never met Seamus, my little boy has an amazingly big heart, or generous one at the least. He is always asking if we can bring back donuts for his classmates.

On days that I get really lucky, I can talk Seamus into eating breakfast at IHOP. What I love here, and if you have been following my blog posts - is they have menu options that include calorie information. They have a good egg white omelet with spinach, onions, tomatoes, and mushrooms with swiss cheese. Great thing is - Seamus LOVES mushrooms a.k.a. MARSHMALLOWS. Don't ask....I don't know why he calls them marshmallows, as he knows what a marshmellow is. Silly little boy is all I have to say!

On Saturday mornings, Liam joins us if Daddy has to work!

Mom had an okay day at dialysis today. Every day is different and you have to take the good days and enjoy them and on the bad ones, she just relaxes and does the best she can.
As an adult, it is hard to watch a parent go through something that you can't fix. Similar to that of your child. It is a strange position to be in. I want to and wish I could make everything better for my parents. I want to know that they are going to be here for when and if I need them for many years to come. But not just for me - also for my children. Is this selfish?
Other issue is - my parents are not old! They should be healthy and getting ready to retire and travel the world. Not dialysis. Not lung issues (Dad). I just hope that they have and get to enjoy some of things that they have wanted to. Checked off some things on their bucket lists.

Speaking of Bucket Lists...Do you keep one? A TO DO before you Die List? What is on it? This year, after seeing one on Pinterest, I decided to do a Before the End of Year Bucket List. It is more of a 2012 Wish List for my Family. We came up with some things we would like to do this year. Some of the things that we have on there are things that we do every year - go camping, go to Silver Dollar City. Others are wish list items - Go to Disney Land, Disney World, Disney Cruise, Universal Studios, Sea World and such. (We best start playing the lottery!!). There are smaller fun things too.

Would love to hear what is on your Bucket List! 

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