Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Mom.....and this weekends FUN!

To bring those of you who are not aware up to date something that has also changed in our lives....

This past January my Mother became really sick. Turned out that her kidney's partially failed - or to correctly state, her kidneys are only operating at 5% of what they should. This was in middle of my job switch. She had to be hospitalized as they tried to see why, what and how. It is now March and we still don't know the answers to these questions. But our lives have definitely changed. My Mother's especially.
During this time, my parents had decided to give me Power of Attorney for Medical, this allowing me to be present and discuss care with them and the Doctors in regards to medical treatment and care. I never understood what a responsibility this was.
In the short, I am now assisting by bringing my Mother to dialysis three times a week and back. I have learned so much about kidney's and their function. Also meeting some amazing people going through the same challenges along the way. What is heart touching is how you can decide to take on your challenge - with a smile and positive attitude or not.
Just to let you know - most people who have kidney failure got it because of damage from diabetes. Growing up with a Grandmother who had diabetes, I knew how bad it could be....but NEVER knew it could be like this. The majority of the patients I have met attributed their renal failure to diabetes. Also, did you know, the one thing that you need to live - WATER - can kill you as a renal patient?! They have to monitor how much fluid they take in, because their bodies don't release it like ours. So amazing to me!
If you don't believe that things happen for a reason and God always has a plan, you should really look again! If I had the other job during all of this, I would not have been able to assist my parents the way I have been able to. I am very thankful to the people that I now work with. I am also fully aware now that God had a bigger plan than I thought when I accepted the position.

I have a wonderful friend Chasity whose handsome young man Liam turned 7 this weekend! She is one of the most amazing women I have ever met! She put together a great Harry Potter Themed Party that the kids loved! She decorated the house with printables and banners galore. She had a wonderful food spread that matched the theme of the movie that included things like chocolate frogs! Here is a picture of some jelly beans with the "interesting" flavors that were shown in the movie also. No, I have not tried them....I am just not daring enough!

I will need to get permission before posting additional pictures!

Hope you are having a great weekend!

Love and XOXO,


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