Sunday, March 9, 2014

Back at Square 1

I would just cry, only if that would help.
This past year, I learned A LOT about myself.
1. I don't handle high stress as well as I thought I could.
2. I stress eat.
3. I internalize my feelings until I burst. Which is odd, since I am an "oversharer". Believe it or not, I am selective on what I do share.
With this, I have GAINED all of the weight that I had lost.....back. It seriously depresses me.
It has been a tough year. Won't go into too many details about that, however, did find that when I am stressed - like I work, I snack. Snack to comfort. Snack to fill voids. Snack to comfort. Snack when I just need a good cry or a hug.
I wish I was one of those people who could run off my stress. That would mean I would have to like running. Or exercising. We all know I don't.
Had a meeting with my fav Doctor a couple of weeks ago. First thing first. Managing these CRAZY panic attacks that I am having. Unfortunately, that is through meds for now. Then, we will begin to focus back on weight loss.
Which may be on hold until we see what the Urologist says about the wonderful little benign (yah!) tumor that is growing on my kidney. More news on that front when I get closer.

In the meantime, I am working to move stress out and trying to retrain my thinking on food....again.
How are you doing on your life changes?

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, 2012 Eating, Ate, SO HUNGRY! and lost what?!

July 30, 2012

Day 2


1c of coffee - with splenda and Sugar Free Vanilla Cream (2TBSP) Coffee Mate
Sugar Free items vs Non Fat - you will see that many items will be lower in Calories when sugar free than if it is low fat. So beware of what you are buying and compare it ALL.
I will NOT give up my coffee. WILL NOT!
Calories - 15
Yogurt - Blueberry flavored - Dannon Lite and Fit.
1/4c of fresh blueberries
  Calories - 120
Total Breakfast 135 calories
Remaining Calories - 865 to work with


100 calorie pack - mini striped fudge cookies
Zero Vitamin Water

If you don't have these in your home - MUST buy. These help with the sugar cravings and snacking. As a tip - always try to keep your snacks below 100 calories. If it is already portioned for you, so much easier for you. Less likely to cheat.
Remember it is mind over matter.

Don't forget the water or low/no calorie drinks.
 OH and if you have to ....well, pee, GO! Don't hold it. Pee is how you get rid of fat and toxins!! DO IT! And if you can, lots - that is why drinking a lot of water helps. You literally FLUSH it out! :-) I know, TMI?! But I swear it is true.

Total Snack 100 calories

Remaining Calories 765 to work with


1/2 of a Lavish Bread (see previous posts about foods I like for more info)
2 slices of ham
2 slices of thin swiss
mustard - 2 tbsp

2 dill pickles

Lavish bread is 50 calories, ham is 30 a slice and the swiss was 80.
My mustard says 0 calories unlike the mustard listed on the subway site. Why, I don't know!

Pickles - if you like dill pickles - they can be you friend! They are ZERO in calories and you can snack on them ALL DAY LONG!

Total Lunch 160 calories

Remaining Calories 605 to work with

I WILL NOT LIE. I AM HUNGRY. BUT, did you know that I have already LOST 2LBS! So, this is what I am doing! Keeping up this work.


100 Calorie Pack - Ritz mixed Snack pack.

Was craving a tad bit of salt this time. See you have to check these out!
Oh and more water!

Total Snack 100 calories

Remaining Calories 505 to work with


Sweet Onion and Spinach BURGERS!
OH MY OH MY - if you have never had these! Let me tell you they are delish!

These are in the Dieter's Cookbook.

The burger has 281 calories including the lavish bread, cheese, spinach and onions.  Cooked with oats and brown sugar. Even has cheese!
The picture doesn't do it justice but trust me YUMMM!

Guacamole - home made - because the avocados were going to go bad! Made with onion, tomato and dash of salt, pepper and squeeze of pepper.
Estimated calories - 115 calories
Total Dinner 396 calories

Remaining calories 109 to work with!

Maybe some ice cream? - I could not have another bite!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

A REMINDER to Myself

Wait!!!! Why am I doing this?

This is why I am getting back to it! This is where I was and NEVER want to be. Though by no means am I in trouble with my weight - but also don't want to be there either. As a reminder, I put together this collage.

I am sharing the same before and most of you have seen the after pics too. But being together. In one spot. In front of me. Brings it to a whole new level.
Why I work so hard. I don't want to ever be "back there". I can't stand the thought of gaining back and loosing out on all that hard work. Let alone the whispers of - she lost all that weight. What a shame. Blah blah blah.



July 29th - Dinner

July 29, 2012


Tonight's Dinner

Strawberry Spinach Salad with a Grilled Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast. Skinny Mix Appletini and a glass of water to drink.

4 strawberries - 7 calories
spinach approx 1 cup - 11 calories
1/4 cup of feta cheese - 90 calories
4tbsp of Fat Free Balsamic Vinaigrette - 30 calories

Chicken - grilled with Mrs. Dash Chicken seasonings - 100 calories

Drink - 0 calories. Mix had none and add vodka - none. WHOO HOO!
Dinner Calories - 238 calories total


Baked Peaches with Vanilla Ice Cream

I found this recipe on Pinterest. It was delish.

I did change the butter for coconut oil at the recommendation of a friend. It was very good.

Peach - 31 calories
coconut oil - 39
brown sugar - 11
Cinnamon - 0

Ice Cream - 1/2 c - Slow Churn Vanilla - 100c calories
Dessert Calories - 181 calories total

Total calories 419

Today total eaten 919 calories

Still have 81 more to go...hmmm :-) I can still have a snack!
See, I eat a lot of food and keep around my calories. You can do it too. Just takes some research when shopping and cooking.



Lunch - July 29, 2012

July 29, 2012


We went to Subway - which I am NOT a fan of - but if watching what you eat - it is the best best option while out and about.

6 in Black Forest Ham w/NO CHEESE -
pickles, onion, lettuce, banana peppers and mustard
 on the 9 Grain Honey Oat bread.

unsweet iced tea with on sweet and low

MISTAKE was that I had it on the Honey Oat and not the regular 9 Grain Wheat. Difference of 50! Calories. I could of had the White and would have been better off with the calories by 60!!

The reason why Subway is great - you can add and add as many veggies as you want on your sandwich. ALL without adding any calories or very very little.
Total Lunch Calories = 350

(290 if I had got the right bread plus 10 for the mustard - 300. Boo me for not paying attention).
Drink had no calories

Had 850 left - 350 for lunch = 500 for dinner, dessert and/or snack

Weight. WAIT! WHAT? Breakfast


OKAY - summer, vacations and all this fun! Thinking I am moving more equals I can eat more. NOPE!
I have put on about 25lbs since the beginning of the summer. Between Disney and everyday cravings for ice cream - correction frozen custard - I am killing it!

SOOO - since many ask what I ate while loosing weight - I am going to put it ALL right here for you to see. GULP. HA! Keeping myself accountable too! (I can do this).

I will include my cheats. Common sense should tell you what I am doing right and wrong. BUT I want to see (and for you) to see what I am doing and how I rebound - or NOT. Like the yummy Jitterbug Jackhammer with Hot Fudge from Andy's. GOOD GOLLY! You have to google that one or I will salivate more than I am on this 104 degree day!!

OK - Here we go! Comments and recommendations are always welcomed. I am always looking for better ways or recipes or anything to help with my diet.
Plus, share what you are doing and how it has helped you in your lifestyle!


July 29th - Breakfast

2c of coffee - with splenda and Sugar Free Vanilla Cream (2TBSP) Coffee Mate
Sugar Free items vs Non Fat - you will see that many items will be lower in Calories when sugar free than if it is low fat. So beware of what you are buying and compare it ALL.
Calories - 30

Yogurt - Blueberry flavored - Dannon Lite and Fit.
1/4c of fresh blueberries
I chose the Dannon, as the flavor is the best, in my opinion. But it also has the best calorie to portion that gets me full. I used to buy the big container and measure it out. You can do that or buy the individuals - they are perfect.
I mix the extra berries into the yogurt for extra yumm - though good with out. But Blueberries are good and good for you. Not to mention it helps fight so much. I am not going to mislead and quote - so if you don't know the benefits of blueberries on things like AGING - google. it.
Calories - approx 120

Total Breakfast 150 calories

Remaining Calories - 850 to work with

**diet for me is 1,000 calories based on my activity level per my DOCTOR. There are sites that help you determine this - see previous posts for more info - BEST YET CALL YOUR DOCTOR and find out what is best for you.

***per previous posts - I have been off all and any meds since February of this year (2012).

Love and XOXO,


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Date Night: April's Surprise Date


This month's Date Night was so much fun!
We went out for dinner - something fun and quick. Then we went bowling!
I will say, it was so tempting to call it a night and go home and crawl into bed. But most of the date's are designed to be quick and not take all night. We want to go out and have fun. But we have responsibilities at home - kids and the occasional work Saturday.

Of course when I say we went Bowling, you all know that there is no way we JUST WENT BOWLING. What would be the fun in that?!

Thanks to the wonderful Ladies over at The Dating Divas, I found the following date idea.... Funky Town Date - Group Date Idea. It is one of the most fun and hysterical date ideas that I have ever read! But since our dates are suppose to be just us, the Group Date was out. But it did not mean I could not take some of the ideas from it.
Now, I knew there was no way I was going to get my husband to dress all crazy in clothes from Goodwill.
But the Bowling...the bowling by color based on the M&M you pulled out of the bag, yes that would work!
Best part of it is that Dating Divas have the card all done on their website and all you have to do is print it!

Sean bowling after drawing a blue M&M
Me bowling because I got the same M&M

At first people were looking at us weird. Then they were asking us questions. I would show them the print out - they LOVED it. Funny thing was, it was the MEN asking not the WOMEN!

Ladies, try it - love it and enjoy having a fun, different, change of pace date with your HONEY!

XOXO and Love,


My Mom and Weight Loss: Second Month, Exercise and Loss

My apologies for being behind and not doing a good job at keeping up my blog. I know that many of you have been asking about it and waiting very patiently for my next entry.
I want to THANK YOU for your support and for your patience!

As you know, I have been caring for my Mother. The last few months have been, trying to say the least. Unfortunately, my Mom became very sick and got a staph infection from her dialysis catheter. It settled into her and  -- well long story short, I had to have her hospitalized. It was probably one of the worst experience I have had to date. I will never forget that day, as I thought she had a stroke - it was THAT BAD! She was in the hospital for over a week.

She is now on a long road to recovery. But is MUCH better. She has some issues with her arm and shoulder as the infection had set in there and she had to have surgery. Now she is being rehabilitated and back onto the road of recovery.

Needless to say - my blog was the thing that had to be one of the things I had to let go of. So, where did we leave off??? Oh, yes!

Doctor Visit: After First Month - Continued

As mentioned in my last update, I had lost 20 lbs! My first month - no help, no guidance - just told to eat only 1,000 calories a day. I made progress! I was thrilled and I am pretty sure that my Doctor was shocked. But he for sure knew that I was serious and here to do this.

This is when we discussed realistic goals. He asked me about what I weighed in High School, a whole 125 - 130 lbs.. Then when I got married at and when I began to put on the weight (moved to Arkansas and all that (see first entry)) I weighed 165 and started increasing steadily year after year and month to month. We had conversations about my pregnancies - before and after and any other diets I have been on. Then he asked me what weight did I see myself at - I told him I would be thrilled to be at 150lbs.. He shook his head and said that I could probably get to 175 lbs and maintain that. But nothing below.
For those who know me, when I am told no, or that I can't, or I won't be able to - like most, I will prove you wrong. I was determined that I was going to do this.

My doctor decided at this time he was going to prescribe a medicine for me to assist with the food cravings. Most of you have heard it and I am sure have been on it - Phentermine. I have been on it before. It is a stimulant. Most Doctors will easily write you a RX knowing that you will try the diet for a month and fail and be done with it. Which annoys the HECK out of me!! Phentermine is a stimulant that helps with cravings and does make you a little - jittery. However, if not taken correctly, you will not succeed at your diet. The biggest mistake people make is thinking that they can eat normal foods and loose weight. THIS IS WHY I NORMALLY DO NOT TELL PEOPLE I TOOK Phentermine! But I feel that I have to share my whole story, and be truthful about every step. This was part of it.

Here is my take - most write you the Rx and don't tell you anything else. Mine barely did either. I had to research and do my homework. I wanted to be thin again that bad! I really do think that they should only allow Dietitians write these Rx's. Because if they are not going to take the time to teach you to eat correctly, you are not going to be successful. The meds will not matter. Trust me. There are no magic pills. If there were - we would all be skinny!

Anyways, I started on the Phentermine - a half a pill, until I could no longer feel the effects (months) before going up to a full pill.
I continued on my 1,000 calories a day. Which became hard to do because I would not be as hungry going into the second month. I have begun to shrink my stomach, the meds were working and I had to remind myself to eat something. Always make sure you are eating something. Not eating only instills bad habits and won't help you. This is a time not only to work on loosing the weight but learn good eating habits.

Remember this is a LIFESTYLE. It is not a diet. It is a change that needs to be there forever. Once you can embrace that, you will be that more successful!

Question: EXERCISE

Many have asked about what I did for Exercises. I did not begin exercise at first. It was a few months in before I even felt comfortable to do so. Or even want to. It was not until I lost about 50 or 60 lbs that I began. I chose to do Hot Yoga.
Why Hot Yoga. Because I HATE to exercise. Come on - if I liked it, do you think I would of ended up where I was? HA!
Hot Yoga is Yoga - stretching and balancing in a heated room. It is wonderful. You don't realize that you are working out until the next morning when you feel the "pain"! Not to mention the about of calories that you burn doing Hot Yoga. You can burn up to 500-700 calories in one hour of hot yoga! Can you believe that?! It is amazing. If you have never tried it, you really should. AND I really need to get back to doing it. Yes, I stopped doing it. It is a bad excuse, but life gets so busy. For me, crazy busy with the boys, Mom, Dad and trying to balance my own life and work. (WOW I am exhausted just thinking about it!).

I know you are going to ask -


My second month on my diet, I lost another 20lbs! In two months total I lost a total of 40lbs!! I was well on my way and lost more than I ever imagined. I was seeing real results and fast! I felt amazing, not healthy or better - just AMAZING! It is hard to explain unless you gain and loose (don't do it - unless you need to - trust me!). But it is wonderful.

I know small handful of you are doing a diet just like the one I did. I am very proud of you! I am so happy that I can inspire you to make adjustments in your life to become a little more healthier. It is weird how many people come up to me to hug and thank me. I have come to realize that I am one of the few people that they know that have actually done it. I am very happy that you have allowed me to help you and inspire you. It is an odd place for me to if I blush - sorry. :-)

I will follow up with another entry soon!

XOXO and Love,


Monday, March 19, 2012

Weightloss: First Month, How Much Lost?

First Month

The dreaded first month.
 After my appointment with my Doctor, I came home and told my husband, Sean, about my conversation. I told him that I wanted to start the following Monday. We talked about the point the Doctor made about "the average woman who runs on the treadmill for 45 minutes and burns 350 calories. How much running do you do and why do you need that many calories?" Ouch.
Anytime since I think of that comment. Do I need to eat this? Do I need these calories for what I am doing today? More often than not the answer is no. Not that it has made this journey any easier - even today.

At first I turned and put all of the responsibility on my husband. Yup. He does the cooking....I do the eating. I pulled out a great cookbook that we found the last time called the New Dieter's Cookbook by Better Homes and Garden. I did see if I could find if it was still available for you. It is hard to find, but came across it on It is worth every penny!! There are some great recipes. I will scan some of my favorite ones in and share.

One of the things that I had to give up was.....are you ready for it....gasp.....the horror.....all alcohol! I say it like that because it is amazing the reactions that I that I get when I tell people this. It is as if I have 10 heads. To date, when people ask what I have done to loose the weight, I start telling them what I avoid and when I get to that - EVERYONE says oh, no way, forget it. Can't do it. Funny, when it comes to either hitting your goal of looking good and being healthy, people will choose their drink. Well, I chose to look HOT in my little designer jeans!


Easier to say what can I NOT eat? As mentioned in my previous blog entry, you can eat anything - as long as you count for the calories. CAKE - sure go for it - if it is going to be all you eat. Biggest devastation for me is that I LOVE ITALIAN food. No more cream sauces. No more cheesey gooey foods. GONE! You know those yummy calazones? Yeah, those babies are 1,400 calories on average BEFORE you add in meats! Yes, that is MORE than I am allocated to eat! CRAZINESS!

So, obviously - sugar is out. BUT, I did stock up on 100 Calorie snack packs to help with sugar and salt cravings. I made sure I had a little of something so I did not feel deprived. Also, ice cream - a little Edie's or Dryer's Slow Churned Ice Cream. Measure it out to the serving size and enjoy. But make sure you budget it in!
Flour and White Foods - I already shared that I gave up most bread and switched to Joseph's - see previous blog entry. For Pasta's I searched and found that I could have almost of the Wheat type spaghetti's. You need to keep to the serving size. It is not much, you may want a salad with little dressing on the side to go with it. There are only a few Sauces in the jar that you can use - but they are out there. I like Muir Glen Sauce - low in calories but difficult to find. You can add to it if you don't eat a salad by putting in fresh vegetables. Make sure you account for the calories.
Beef - yes, Beef. Another favorite. Means no more good, yummy, taste aka fatty cuts of meat. It does go with out saying this includes no ground beef. Which with all of the press about pink slime, I am grateful that habit had been kicked! :-) When you look at the calorie count of most cuts of beef, you come to realize that it is just not worth it! I did eventually go back to eating beef after some time. But I keep it to small cuts and lean fillets. No burgers. No briskets. No good ol' BBQ.

I do eat a lot of veggies, a lot of chicken and a lot of turkey. I have come to LOVE ground turkey and use it to make tacos, etc..
I don't like fish. GROSS! People always found that odd since I grew up in MA. But I tell them that I have seen the water that the fish has swam in - THAT is why I don't like eating it! However, I have opened up to it as I got bored of my selection of food. I now eat Mahi Mahi, Halibut and a little Talapia. Though I don't like the Talapia - tastes like dirt to me. But that is my opinion.

One thing I did do - I DID EAT PIZZA THE ENTIRE TIME! Yes, I would eat pizza OUT at least once to twice a week every week. WHAT? Am I serious? Yes!!! Ask the wait staff at Johnny Brusco's in Bentonville. What I found is that you can order their thin crust NY Style Pizza - THINNER. It tastes better and knocks off some of the calories. You still need to eat some salad and not eat more than one slice - two tops.

Speaking of salad. Low Fat Vinaigrette's, on the side with no cheese and no croutons. Always order this way. People always think salads are okay and the safe thing to eat. Salads can be as bad as a Double Quarter Pounder if you are not careful! You want only the veggies. Also, if you put your fork into the dressing then the salad - you get a lot of dressing per bite and it is YUMMY. Or so you think. You would be amazed how much is left behind. TRY IT!!


The first month was February of 2011. This month includes the wonderfully romantic day of Valentine's, which for some reason includes a lot of chocolate. LOTS AND LOTS of ....mmmmm....yummy chocolate. Then there is Seamus' birthday. Which includes a Rick's Bakery Cake - for those not in North West Arkansas. Ohhhh MY GOODNESS good! Then you have my Mother's birthday and the fact I just started -- making it easy to just say screw it lets wait.
Seamus' Birthday Party was wonderful. Great cake from Rick's and I did not have a piece. I was so proud of myself. Yes, this is a HUGE accomplishment!

Then on Valentine's Day we went to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. If you are not familiar with this restaurant, lets just say, as great as it is - they drown your steak, chicken or fish in butter. I am completely convinced that this is part of their secret and to their wonderful seared meals. I will tell you - not so yummy when you all of sudden are aware of what you are eating and feel like you need a shower from all of the butter. Or a drop cloth! I still have dinner there, I just order my meal with out butter. NONE!

Which brings up the topic....which I will talk about tomorrow as I catch up on the blog . Eating out and what to ask for and be aware of. Also, if there is a question that you have, don't forget to let me know what it is! much did I loose my first month?

20 POUNDS from my first appointment to my second appointment. That is 5 pounds per week.

 No working out. No medicines. No supplements or crazy drugs. Just changing the way I eat. Embracing a new eating LIFESTYLE! (notice the word - lifestyle!! not DIET!).

XOXO and Love,


Saturday, March 10, 2012

March's Surprise Planned Date Night


For Christmas, one of the gifts that I gave my husband was a year's worth of preplanned date nights - all scheduled, with a babysitter and all! There are no excuses at all not to go on the date!

Here is the deal - each month has a sealed envelope marked with the month and date to open the envelope. In each envelope, there is just enough details about that days date - so he can be prepared. Such as, what to wear if there is special attire, etc..

Rules -
  • No cell phones. We have them with us because of the kids, just not to use them (well except to take a pic or two!).  
  • If at dinner - sit close and next to one another. If in a booth, same side. Yup, giddy like teenagers! You should see the looks we get. It is funny.
  • Hold hands. A lot. Touching is encourage. Now, I am not a big fan of PDA. So, we keep it PG and to the hand holding.

Each date is something that is out of both of our comfort zones. Things that we would not typically do. No mundane dinner and movie nights here! All things that will make us laugh and enjoy the evening.
Last night's date night theme was ROCK STAR! It was to involve anything to do with the words Rock and/or Star.

I began the date by presenting my Husband with a gift - I bag of STARbursts and told him he was my ROCK STAR!

We don't have too many options that fit into the theme - but one that was fun sounding and why I chose to go ahead with this theme when I saw it - ROCK wall climbing! We went to Lewis and Clark Outfitters. Very cheap and SUPER fun! You can climb the wall for $2 a try!

I did the driving, to keep Sean in the dark about our date plans. All the way until we walked into the store! I have to admit that I was nervous at first! I made Sean go first!

I got the hang of it and scaled the wall pretty quickly. Yes, I am proud! Not only because I did it, but because I have found that as I have grown older, I have also a fear of heights. So, this is a big deal on many levels for me!

The next part of the date is suppose to be dinner at a location that includes rock or star in the name. But there is not any local. Especially any that I can keep to my diet and keep to my diet during Lent. So, we went to Copeland's and enjoyed a wonderful dinner and each other's company.

The final part of the date Sean had to choose Novice, Armature or Expert. He went with Novice out of concern of what I was going to have him scale next! It was to go home, snuggle and watch a movie with ROCK or Star in it. We were going to watch School of Rock.

The unfortunate part of the Date Night is that we go on Friday nights. With the schedules of having to be up very early to bring Mom to dialysis in the morning and Sean having to be to work in the morning for the Saturday work meeting. To say the least, we were exhausted before the movie and both opted to pass out! ROMANTIC aren't we!

I highly recommend doing these date nights. They are a lot of fun. They have to be dates that are not typical. I found the ideas for mine on the following sites:

The Dating Diva's - which is where I saw the Rock Star theme - and the ideas were from this specific entry - Rock Star Date

Which I found these and many others through Pinterest!

HAPPY DATING! If you have an amazing date theme or idea, share with me! I am open to ideas!

Love and XOXO,


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day in the Life of Me

Thursday's begin very early in our house. I have to be out the door by 6:30 am to go pick up my Mother to bring her to dialysis. I bring Seamus with me and Sean will bring Liam to school. That way no one is overly rushed.

Many days Seamus requests Krispy Kreme Donuts for breakfast or sometimes it is what I have to bribe in order to get him up, dressed and out the door quickly!
He loves watching the donut assembly line. Then picking out which ones he wants. For those who have never met Seamus, my little boy has an amazingly big heart, or generous one at the least. He is always asking if we can bring back donuts for his classmates.

On days that I get really lucky, I can talk Seamus into eating breakfast at IHOP. What I love here, and if you have been following my blog posts - is they have menu options that include calorie information. They have a good egg white omelet with spinach, onions, tomatoes, and mushrooms with swiss cheese. Great thing is - Seamus LOVES mushrooms a.k.a. MARSHMALLOWS. Don't ask....I don't know why he calls them marshmallows, as he knows what a marshmellow is. Silly little boy is all I have to say!

On Saturday mornings, Liam joins us if Daddy has to work!

Mom had an okay day at dialysis today. Every day is different and you have to take the good days and enjoy them and on the bad ones, she just relaxes and does the best she can.
As an adult, it is hard to watch a parent go through something that you can't fix. Similar to that of your child. It is a strange position to be in. I want to and wish I could make everything better for my parents. I want to know that they are going to be here for when and if I need them for many years to come. But not just for me - also for my children. Is this selfish?
Other issue is - my parents are not old! They should be healthy and getting ready to retire and travel the world. Not dialysis. Not lung issues (Dad). I just hope that they have and get to enjoy some of things that they have wanted to. Checked off some things on their bucket lists.

Speaking of Bucket Lists...Do you keep one? A TO DO before you Die List? What is on it? This year, after seeing one on Pinterest, I decided to do a Before the End of Year Bucket List. It is more of a 2012 Wish List for my Family. We came up with some things we would like to do this year. Some of the things that we have on there are things that we do every year - go camping, go to Silver Dollar City. Others are wish list items - Go to Disney Land, Disney World, Disney Cruise, Universal Studios, Sea World and such. (We best start playing the lottery!!). There are smaller fun things too.

Would love to hear what is on your Bucket List!