Sunday, July 29, 2012

Weight. WAIT! WHAT? Breakfast


OKAY - summer, vacations and all this fun! Thinking I am moving more equals I can eat more. NOPE!
I have put on about 25lbs since the beginning of the summer. Between Disney and everyday cravings for ice cream - correction frozen custard - I am killing it!

SOOO - since many ask what I ate while loosing weight - I am going to put it ALL right here for you to see. GULP. HA! Keeping myself accountable too! (I can do this).

I will include my cheats. Common sense should tell you what I am doing right and wrong. BUT I want to see (and for you) to see what I am doing and how I rebound - or NOT. Like the yummy Jitterbug Jackhammer with Hot Fudge from Andy's. GOOD GOLLY! You have to google that one or I will salivate more than I am on this 104 degree day!!

OK - Here we go! Comments and recommendations are always welcomed. I am always looking for better ways or recipes or anything to help with my diet.
Plus, share what you are doing and how it has helped you in your lifestyle!


July 29th - Breakfast

2c of coffee - with splenda and Sugar Free Vanilla Cream (2TBSP) Coffee Mate
Sugar Free items vs Non Fat - you will see that many items will be lower in Calories when sugar free than if it is low fat. So beware of what you are buying and compare it ALL.
Calories - 30

Yogurt - Blueberry flavored - Dannon Lite and Fit.
1/4c of fresh blueberries
I chose the Dannon, as the flavor is the best, in my opinion. But it also has the best calorie to portion that gets me full. I used to buy the big container and measure it out. You can do that or buy the individuals - they are perfect.
I mix the extra berries into the yogurt for extra yumm - though good with out. But Blueberries are good and good for you. Not to mention it helps fight so much. I am not going to mislead and quote - so if you don't know the benefits of blueberries on things like AGING - google. it.
Calories - approx 120

Total Breakfast 150 calories

Remaining Calories - 850 to work with

**diet for me is 1,000 calories based on my activity level per my DOCTOR. There are sites that help you determine this - see previous posts for more info - BEST YET CALL YOUR DOCTOR and find out what is best for you.

***per previous posts - I have been off all and any meds since February of this year (2012).

Love and XOXO,


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