Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, 2012 Eating, Ate, SO HUNGRY! and lost what?!

July 30, 2012

Day 2


1c of coffee - with splenda and Sugar Free Vanilla Cream (2TBSP) Coffee Mate
Sugar Free items vs Non Fat - you will see that many items will be lower in Calories when sugar free than if it is low fat. So beware of what you are buying and compare it ALL.
I will NOT give up my coffee. WILL NOT!
Calories - 15
Yogurt - Blueberry flavored - Dannon Lite and Fit.
1/4c of fresh blueberries
  Calories - 120
Total Breakfast 135 calories
Remaining Calories - 865 to work with


100 calorie pack - mini striped fudge cookies
Zero Vitamin Water

If you don't have these in your home - MUST buy. These help with the sugar cravings and snacking. As a tip - always try to keep your snacks below 100 calories. If it is already portioned for you, so much easier for you. Less likely to cheat.
Remember it is mind over matter.

Don't forget the water or low/no calorie drinks.
 OH and if you have to ....well, pee, GO! Don't hold it. Pee is how you get rid of fat and toxins!! DO IT! And if you can, lots - that is why drinking a lot of water helps. You literally FLUSH it out! :-) I know, TMI?! But I swear it is true.

Total Snack 100 calories

Remaining Calories 765 to work with


1/2 of a Lavish Bread (see previous posts about foods I like for more info)
2 slices of ham
2 slices of thin swiss
mustard - 2 tbsp

2 dill pickles

Lavish bread is 50 calories, ham is 30 a slice and the swiss was 80.
My mustard says 0 calories unlike the mustard listed on the subway site. Why, I don't know!

Pickles - if you like dill pickles - they can be you friend! They are ZERO in calories and you can snack on them ALL DAY LONG!

Total Lunch 160 calories

Remaining Calories 605 to work with

I WILL NOT LIE. I AM HUNGRY. BUT, did you know that I have already LOST 2LBS! So, this is what I am doing! Keeping up this work.


100 Calorie Pack - Ritz mixed Snack pack.

Was craving a tad bit of salt this time. See you have to check these out!
Oh and more water!

Total Snack 100 calories

Remaining Calories 505 to work with


Sweet Onion and Spinach BURGERS!
OH MY OH MY - if you have never had these! Let me tell you they are delish!

These are in the Dieter's Cookbook.

The burger has 281 calories including the lavish bread, cheese, spinach and onions.  Cooked with oats and brown sugar. Even has cheese!
The picture doesn't do it justice but trust me YUMMM!

Guacamole - home made - because the avocados were going to go bad! Made with onion, tomato and dash of salt, pepper and squeeze of pepper.
Estimated calories - 115 calories
Total Dinner 396 calories

Remaining calories 109 to work with!

Maybe some ice cream? - I could not have another bite!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

A REMINDER to Myself

Wait!!!! Why am I doing this?

This is why I am getting back to it! This is where I was and NEVER want to be. Though by no means am I in trouble with my weight - but also don't want to be there either. As a reminder, I put together this collage.

I am sharing the same before and most of you have seen the after pics too. But being together. In one spot. In front of me. Brings it to a whole new level.
Why I work so hard. I don't want to ever be "back there". I can't stand the thought of gaining back and loosing out on all that hard work. Let alone the whispers of - she lost all that weight. What a shame. Blah blah blah.



July 29th - Dinner

July 29, 2012


Tonight's Dinner

Strawberry Spinach Salad with a Grilled Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast. Skinny Mix Appletini and a glass of water to drink.

4 strawberries - 7 calories
spinach approx 1 cup - 11 calories
1/4 cup of feta cheese - 90 calories
4tbsp of Fat Free Balsamic Vinaigrette - 30 calories

Chicken - grilled with Mrs. Dash Chicken seasonings - 100 calories

Drink - 0 calories. Mix had none and add vodka - none. WHOO HOO!
Dinner Calories - 238 calories total


Baked Peaches with Vanilla Ice Cream

I found this recipe on Pinterest. It was delish.

I did change the butter for coconut oil at the recommendation of a friend. It was very good.

Peach - 31 calories
coconut oil - 39
brown sugar - 11
Cinnamon - 0

Ice Cream - 1/2 c - Slow Churn Vanilla - 100c calories
Dessert Calories - 181 calories total

Total calories 419

Today total eaten 919 calories

Still have 81 more to go...hmmm :-) I can still have a snack!
See, I eat a lot of food and keep around my calories. You can do it too. Just takes some research when shopping and cooking.



Lunch - July 29, 2012

July 29, 2012


We went to Subway - which I am NOT a fan of - but if watching what you eat - it is the best best option while out and about.

6 in Black Forest Ham w/NO CHEESE -
pickles, onion, lettuce, banana peppers and mustard
 on the 9 Grain Honey Oat bread.

unsweet iced tea with on sweet and low

MISTAKE was that I had it on the Honey Oat and not the regular 9 Grain Wheat. Difference of 50! Calories. I could of had the White and would have been better off with the calories by 60!!

The reason why Subway is great - you can add and add as many veggies as you want on your sandwich. ALL without adding any calories or very very little.
Total Lunch Calories = 350

(290 if I had got the right bread plus 10 for the mustard - 300. Boo me for not paying attention).
Drink had no calories

Had 850 left - 350 for lunch = 500 for dinner, dessert and/or snack

Weight. WAIT! WHAT? Breakfast


OKAY - summer, vacations and all this fun! Thinking I am moving more equals I can eat more. NOPE!
I have put on about 25lbs since the beginning of the summer. Between Disney and everyday cravings for ice cream - correction frozen custard - I am killing it!

SOOO - since many ask what I ate while loosing weight - I am going to put it ALL right here for you to see. GULP. HA! Keeping myself accountable too! (I can do this).

I will include my cheats. Common sense should tell you what I am doing right and wrong. BUT I want to see (and for you) to see what I am doing and how I rebound - or NOT. Like the yummy Jitterbug Jackhammer with Hot Fudge from Andy's. GOOD GOLLY! You have to google that one or I will salivate more than I am on this 104 degree day!!

OK - Here we go! Comments and recommendations are always welcomed. I am always looking for better ways or recipes or anything to help with my diet.
Plus, share what you are doing and how it has helped you in your lifestyle!


July 29th - Breakfast

2c of coffee - with splenda and Sugar Free Vanilla Cream (2TBSP) Coffee Mate
Sugar Free items vs Non Fat - you will see that many items will be lower in Calories when sugar free than if it is low fat. So beware of what you are buying and compare it ALL.
Calories - 30

Yogurt - Blueberry flavored - Dannon Lite and Fit.
1/4c of fresh blueberries
I chose the Dannon, as the flavor is the best, in my opinion. But it also has the best calorie to portion that gets me full. I used to buy the big container and measure it out. You can do that or buy the individuals - they are perfect.
I mix the extra berries into the yogurt for extra yumm - though good with out. But Blueberries are good and good for you. Not to mention it helps fight so much. I am not going to mislead and quote - so if you don't know the benefits of blueberries on things like AGING - google. it.
Calories - approx 120

Total Breakfast 150 calories

Remaining Calories - 850 to work with

**diet for me is 1,000 calories based on my activity level per my DOCTOR. There are sites that help you determine this - see previous posts for more info - BEST YET CALL YOUR DOCTOR and find out what is best for you.

***per previous posts - I have been off all and any meds since February of this year (2012).

Love and XOXO,
