Friday, January 21, 2011

Working from Home

Most people think it is great to work from home. I have to admit that..... times.

I keep my little "angels" home with me on Tuesday's and Thursday's. They are in a school program the rest of the week. Meanwhile - I work full time - Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm and many times much later.

It can be difficult to entertain a 4 and 2 year old while on a work confrence call and maintain a professional atmosphere. Mostly them yelling in the background!
The good....
  • I can sleep late with them on Tuesday and Thursdays!
  • I can also wear pj's to work!
  • Not the end of the world if I wait until later to shower
  • Snuggle with laptop in front of the fireplace and television and catch up on the television shows that are not appropriate to watch with the little ones at home!
The bad...
  • the end of the world if I wait too long to shower!
  • multi-tasking - the kids and knowing that there is laundry to be done
  • food - snack food galore - all of your favorites - since it is your home!
  • lack of adult conversations....
  • lack of moving around enough - since you are plopped in front of the computer working .
  • and the WORST - knowing that report has to be done and if you just spend a couple more hours on it - it will make tomorrow much easier - ooops it is now midnight!!!!
However, I don't know if I would change a moment of it. Not until the boys go to school full-time. Although, I do go back and forth and think it would be nice to work in an office again.

Here is a pic of what is technically my office....

Great view of the backyard. I get to think of the 101 landscaping projects that need to be or could be done. Like nice trees on the other side of the fence to block out the view of the neighborhood behind us. Or building up the backyard and making it larger......

see what I mean!!!



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