Friday, January 28, 2011

Arkansas Children's Hospital Children's Center

I got the call this morning from Arkansas Children's Hospital, to bring Seamus in for the testing. We were out the door on the way to the Children's Center in Lowell.
I realized through all of the questions, I keep forgetting that we are trying to find out about more than his heart. His lips turn blue, mostly when he is not feeling well. Which we are also trying to figure out why.
When we got there, Seamus saw the waiting room aka playroom. It is brightly decorated with some wonderful paintings animals and toys.

First thing up on the list was the Echo. Which I never knew until today is basically just an Ultra Sound. They were so nice and easy going with him. They had cabinets filled with movies for the kids to watch. Helping deflect them from what is going on around them. Seamus chose Dora the Explorer to watch. It was the episode with the Pirates. He just zoned in and blocked everything else out.
They started by showing and doing the bottom of the heart from his stomach area. Then did a side view, straight on view and then from the top. It was VERY cool to watch - and maybe more so had it not been my child on the table. You could see the colors which showed his blood pumping through and the color showing if it was in or out. You could see the valves contract and all that! Almost wished I paid more attention in Biology!
Here is little man after that. It took about 45 minutes to do all of that. He was calm and quiet through the whole thing.

After the Echo we had to do some chest x-rays. In my opinion, this was the COOLEST room! You can see the animals painted in the background. They are painted as if you were seeing them through an x-ray. Bones and all!

When we were done, we went to lunch with Daddy. My boys LOVE Dickey's BBQ. Not because of the food - but because they have free ice cream!
Here is Seamus enjoying ice cream with Daddy,

Now we wait. ACH sends all of the x-rays and echo images to ACH in Little Rock, where a DR reads through them. We should receive a call next week some time with the results.
Prayers are that there is nothing or nothing major and back to life as normal.

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