Sunday, January 30, 2011

Zoo Day

We decided to take advantage of yesterday's almost 80 degree day by heading out to Tulsa and going to the Tulsa Zoo. Along with thousands of others, I have never seen it so busy there!
This zoo is about 2 hours away from where we live. Sean and I feel that it worth the drive - and have been coming here before we even had kids to enjoy it with. We are also Members of this Zoo.
Here are the boys on a wagon - of course a perfect photo op and advertisement!

Most of the animals were out to play - it was a great day to be at the zoo! Over by the turtles, there is this....

Liam loves Meerkats!

Seamus was brushing the goat. Who, I think was hungry.... he was trying to eat the brush! Of course, Seamus found it HYSTERICAL!

We had a great day, It was a great "spring" day and took full advantage. Hard to believe we were sledding the weekend before and will be on Tuesday.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Fun Friday with Friends

With all that is going on, I decided that we were due for a much needed play date and day at the park. Especially since the weather today in NWA was a balmy almost 70 degrees.

We joined the Lattanzio Family at the new Horsebarn Trail and Park. If you live locally and have not been here yet, you need to check it out. It is absolutely beautiful - although right by the road and has a creek going through it (just warning you!). Today was very busy there - it was hard to find a parking spot! But do you blame all of us Mommies wanting to get out of the house and run the kids out?!
Of course, the boys and friends did not want to play on the several "jungle gyms" or swings - they wanted to toss rocks into the creek. Which Mary Anne and I were very happy to oblige! I tried to teach Liam how to skip rocks - but the bank was too high and the water to shallow. Can't wait until nicer weather that involves trips to the Lake to show him how to really do it!
Here are the kids throwing rocks!

Seamus was proud of the big sparkly (can't tell it sparkles in pic) rock he found.

We took a short walk along the trail. It is actually a nice walk. I was kind of surprised, especially since the location is between a bunch of major streets (ok, so major for NWA). They loved running ahead.

and of course.....more rocks!

Love these kids. Hugging them tighter this week.


Arkansas Children's Hospital Children's Center

I got the call this morning from Arkansas Children's Hospital, to bring Seamus in for the testing. We were out the door on the way to the Children's Center in Lowell.
I realized through all of the questions, I keep forgetting that we are trying to find out about more than his heart. His lips turn blue, mostly when he is not feeling well. Which we are also trying to figure out why.
When we got there, Seamus saw the waiting room aka playroom. It is brightly decorated with some wonderful paintings animals and toys.

First thing up on the list was the Echo. Which I never knew until today is basically just an Ultra Sound. They were so nice and easy going with him. They had cabinets filled with movies for the kids to watch. Helping deflect them from what is going on around them. Seamus chose Dora the Explorer to watch. It was the episode with the Pirates. He just zoned in and blocked everything else out.
They started by showing and doing the bottom of the heart from his stomach area. Then did a side view, straight on view and then from the top. It was VERY cool to watch - and maybe more so had it not been my child on the table. You could see the colors which showed his blood pumping through and the color showing if it was in or out. You could see the valves contract and all that! Almost wished I paid more attention in Biology!
Here is little man after that. It took about 45 minutes to do all of that. He was calm and quiet through the whole thing.

After the Echo we had to do some chest x-rays. In my opinion, this was the COOLEST room! You can see the animals painted in the background. They are painted as if you were seeing them through an x-ray. Bones and all!

When we were done, we went to lunch with Daddy. My boys LOVE Dickey's BBQ. Not because of the food - but because they have free ice cream!
Here is Seamus enjoying ice cream with Daddy,

Now we wait. ACH sends all of the x-rays and echo images to ACH in Little Rock, where a DR reads through them. We should receive a call next week some time with the results.
Prayers are that there is nothing or nothing major and back to life as normal.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What a Day Wednesday

The things that we are never prepared for as a parent. We know they happen - but when we are told that something is wrong with our own - it is amazing how quickly our minds go into many different directions.
Seamus has been back and forth with a fever. He has been on antibiotics for over a week. I decided to bring him to the DR. just to be sure that there was nothing else that could be causing this. There was only one opening and with a newer Dr. - at least to the clinic. I took the appointment - haven't come accross any of the other Dr's that I have had a problem with, so I was comfortable in doing so.
Through the questions - went through history and all - and then the exam. She was very direct and to the point. Which is great - those tend to be best DR's , the ones with zero personality. After she starts telling me how Seamus appears to still have sinusitis, so she is going to extend his antibiotics. He has a heart murmur and has anyone ever told me that? His lungs look good. His ears look clear....UM WAIT A MINUTE?! You asked what about my child's HEART?!!!
One would of thought she asked me if I needed a tissue. I came and went so fast. When I told her no - she said they will set up an appointment at Arkansas Children's Hospital's branch in Lowell, AR. for a chest x-ray and eco. UM - HELLLOOOOO?! What are you telling me? Should I be worried? But for some reason, I could not reach for these words.
I am a rational person. I know not to take the word of someone as fact until there is evidence to support it. So, I know not to panic - too much - until tests are done and results are in. I know that people live with heart murmurs daily. I know some never even know it and live normal lives. But could not help stopping and thinking - really? my baby? tear tear.

First thing I did was try reaching Daddy. Yup - in meetings. Grrr. Never so aggrivated that I could not reach my husband to tell him something. Called my Mom - I need you to be the voice of reason and confirm what I know - this is not a big deal and will be ok. Yet, through the conversation, I could not help but feel slightly paniced. Called my friend Liesl, girl, if you read this...thank you! Exactly what I wanted to hear - no worries, probably nothing....wait for tests....and DO NOT GOOGLE! Of course, when I got home - pulled up WebMD. Knowing that the worse of the worse is what they will tell you. Actually it didn't. Told me how there are different levels. Most are the normal and will be okay. Depending on how bad, slight lifestyle adjustments, no worse than an asthmatic child. Then the bad - But I know we will not fall into that, so no need to mention!
Today, I did put everything into perspective. The news came out that a 4th grade boy had lost his life at recess. A soccer goal fell on him and he died from his injuries. I cried for the loss of his life. For the feelings his Family must be going through. For the heartbreak and many feelings that I can not even begin to imagine his Mother is going through. I pray for them. Thought of them and realized that a heart murmur is okay. I can deal with that. My child is still with me. My hug is not the last one. I will tell you, we cuddled a little closer and hugged a little tighter.
GOD BLESS this Family. May You help them through this time. May they understand your plan and be somewhat at peace. Amen.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Taekwondo and Car Wash

At ages of 2 and 4, I am amazed how busy the boys schedules already are. Between swim classes, gym class and taekwondo! Not to mention that we haven't even started Spring Soccer and Tee Ball. This is all of the fun stuff - and the boys really enjoy it - so off we go!
Today, I dropped Liam off at the gym to meet his Dad for Taekwondo. It was his first class where he got to wear his uniform. He was so excited and looked so cute! He couldn't wait to show his Master.

I asked Seamus if he wanted to go with me to Walmart. "No Mommy, you need to go to the carwash" was his response. I took that as a hint! He enjoys the carwash so much. Which is a change from the screaming and fear he used to have. Now he just watches as the chemicals and sprayers do their jobs.

Hope that everyone had a wonderful day!



Friday, January 21, 2011

NAP Time

My favorite part of the day with my boys is NAP TIME!

This is not just because I finally get a break - but because they look so angelic sleeping. Also because the are such little cuddle bugs. Seamus especially. You could move an inch - and while napping - he will wiggle the inch to be closer to you! I LOVE it!

School was out again today - made it a little trying - as we ALL have a bit of cabin fever. It is not fun anymore. I was very much looking forward to nap time today.

Hope all had a some what sane day!



Working from Home

Most people think it is great to work from home. I have to admit that..... times.

I keep my little "angels" home with me on Tuesday's and Thursday's. They are in a school program the rest of the week. Meanwhile - I work full time - Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm and many times much later.

It can be difficult to entertain a 4 and 2 year old while on a work confrence call and maintain a professional atmosphere. Mostly them yelling in the background!
The good....
  • I can sleep late with them on Tuesday and Thursdays!
  • I can also wear pj's to work!
  • Not the end of the world if I wait until later to shower
  • Snuggle with laptop in front of the fireplace and television and catch up on the television shows that are not appropriate to watch with the little ones at home!
The bad...
  • the end of the world if I wait too long to shower!
  • multi-tasking - the kids and knowing that there is laundry to be done
  • food - snack food galore - all of your favorites - since it is your home!
  • lack of adult conversations....
  • lack of moving around enough - since you are plopped in front of the computer working .
  • and the WORST - knowing that report has to be done and if you just spend a couple more hours on it - it will make tomorrow much easier - ooops it is now midnight!!!!
However, I don't know if I would change a moment of it. Not until the boys go to school full-time. Although, I do go back and forth and think it would be nice to work in an office again.

Here is a pic of what is technically my office....

Great view of the backyard. I get to think of the 101 landscaping projects that need to be or could be done. Like nice trees on the other side of the fence to block out the view of the neighborhood behind us. Or building up the backyard and making it larger......

see what I mean!!!



Thursday, January 20, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Today was the first snow day of 2011! It did not disappoint with 2 inches up to 5 in some areas.

The boys got to make their favorite treat! Snow Ice Cream.

If you have not tried this delish treat - you must.
Easiest way to make it is
  • 8 cups of fresh (clean - haha) snow
  • 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
  • tsp of vanilla.

School is closed again tomorrow, so will need to pull a few tricks out of the bag to keep them entertained.
Hope that you enjoyed the snow as much as we did!