Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl Sunday and Winter Weather Week

What a week for weather. I have a couple of pictures of the boys playing in the snow - but nothing available at the moment. We ended up with a TON by Arkansas standards. About 7 inches one day - another 3 the next. Two more systems should be coming through. Mommy has had enough, being stuck in the house really is not that fun. Boys love it of course. Sledding, building snowmen and making snow ice cream!

Today is Superbowl Sunday. Not a fan of either team - so for the first time in years, I am watching for the commercials. What were your favorite? Can't wait until half time too! Love the Black Eye Peas. Should be good!
Sean is missing the kick off. Seamus is sick again. I just want nothing more for my little boy to start feeling better. We are on week 3 now. He started to run a temperature last night. Woke up with one this morning. Then started getting sick. His lips, finger and toe pads turned blue. So Daddy and him went over to the ER to be sure that he is okay. Of course, the color has returned - took pictures to show them before it changed so they could see. Now they are just waiting on the DR to see them. Sean says it is pretty busy over there today. Here is to hoping everything is OK!

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