Wednesday, February 9, 2011

MORE Snow!

What a snow day it was today! I have not seen this much snow - well since I lived in Massachusetts! We got a record breaking 23 inches of snowfall in one day. It broke a record from 81 years ago. Unfortunately, we get to break another record - coldest temps! -6 tonight, and no - that is with out the windchill factor.
Here is a pic of Sean and Liam cleaning off Sean's truck. Yes, I park in the garage.

Seamus wanted so much to be outside with them. But he is still not feeling good, so he was not allowed outside to play. Notice the amount of snow up against the window!!!

There was so much snow - it was up to the bottom of the swings.

At the end of the day, we were blessed with this BEAUTIFUL and amazing sunset!

Keep warm tonight!


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