Sunday, February 20, 2011

University of Arkansas Diamond HOGS!!!

We had another beautiful weekend in NW Arkansas! We took advantage of it by going to see the University of Arkansas Razorback Baseball team - during their opening weekend at Baum Stadium! This is the first time any of us have attended a game here.

It was cloudy and a bit more chilly than it was suppose to be - but that did not stop the boys from being super excited!

When we got there, Liam noticed a Lady was doing mascot face painting. He so had to have one!

He chose the Ball with the Bats and the Razorback in the middle.

Seamus went with something similar. He wanted the A for ARKANSAS in the middle instead of the mascot.

Liam got to meet Ribby! He is the Mascot for the UofA's baseball team.

Seamus loved the game. He was yelling "come on batter batter batter! Hit the ball batter batter batter". He loved cheering on the team!

They sang Take Me Out to the Ball Game.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!



Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Seamus' Third Birthday (02/13/11)

Catching up on my blog. Between Seamus' Birthday, Valentine's Day and my Mother's Birthday - it has been a tad CRAZY!
This Blog post is for my baby boy Seamus.....
Makes Mommy sad that you are not a baby so much anymore. Although, as the saying goes, you will forever be my baby no matter what! You are hardly even a toddler anymore.
February 13th we celebrated your 3rd Birthday.
This is the first year that you had an opinion about EVERYTHING. Literally! You wanted to have your party at JumpZone. JumpZone is one of those inflatable play places where you can jump and run around all indoors!

You even had an idea of what you wanted for decorations. I tried several times to try to talk you into Toy Story. But each and every time you said "NO, I want Mario!". So Mario it was. Below is your cake. We ordered it from Rick's Bakery ( They couldn't put characters on it - but did a great job with the background! I found the figures at the store and added them in.

I search for some ideas for Thank You gifts for all of your friends that came to celebrate your birthday with us. Found these adorable little bottle cap necklaces with Mario in them. My friend Dandi helped and found a great deal for us! I added in Playdough, bubbles and ring pops. They were perfect!
You wear your Mario Bottle Cap Necklace every single day. You make sure that Daddy puts it on your night stand every night. Each morning you bring it down to have it put back on.

Here are some of your friends that were able to come and celebrate with you.

You are a loved and lucky little boy.
Happy Birthday!
Love and Hugs,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

MORE Snow!

What a snow day it was today! I have not seen this much snow - well since I lived in Massachusetts! We got a record breaking 23 inches of snowfall in one day. It broke a record from 81 years ago. Unfortunately, we get to break another record - coldest temps! -6 tonight, and no - that is with out the windchill factor.
Here is a pic of Sean and Liam cleaning off Sean's truck. Yes, I park in the garage.

Seamus wanted so much to be outside with them. But he is still not feeling good, so he was not allowed outside to play. Notice the amount of snow up against the window!!!

There was so much snow - it was up to the bottom of the swings.

At the end of the day, we were blessed with this BEAUTIFUL and amazing sunset!

Keep warm tonight!


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl Sunday and Winter Weather Week

What a week for weather. I have a couple of pictures of the boys playing in the snow - but nothing available at the moment. We ended up with a TON by Arkansas standards. About 7 inches one day - another 3 the next. Two more systems should be coming through. Mommy has had enough, being stuck in the house really is not that fun. Boys love it of course. Sledding, building snowmen and making snow ice cream!

Today is Superbowl Sunday. Not a fan of either team - so for the first time in years, I am watching for the commercials. What were your favorite? Can't wait until half time too! Love the Black Eye Peas. Should be good!
Sean is missing the kick off. Seamus is sick again. I just want nothing more for my little boy to start feeling better. We are on week 3 now. He started to run a temperature last night. Woke up with one this morning. Then started getting sick. His lips, finger and toe pads turned blue. So Daddy and him went over to the ER to be sure that he is okay. Of course, the color has returned - took pictures to show them before it changed so they could see. Now they are just waiting on the DR to see them. Sean says it is pretty busy over there today. Here is to hoping everything is OK!