Sunday, September 27, 2009

Summer Endings and Fall Beginnings!

One of my favorite things about having children is the time that you can spend with them creating memories that last forever. This is one of the reasons that I chose to call our site "Mulligan Memories".

This summer was no exception to the rule. We had a wonderful summer - even with some challenges presented - and made the best we could out of it.
Unfortunately, I found myself unemployed come mid July. It was not a shock by any means and definitely a blessing. But anytime some major change happens, you always end up questioning everything. I was nervous due to the state of the economy and that many people that we knew that were unemployed had been for some time. Fortunately, this only lasted the summer and I had started a new job on September 14th.

With the "free" time, I was able to spend some much needed Mommy and boy’s time with Liam and Seamus. All without the stress of work and all that entail.

We spent some time at our neighborhood pool and over friend’s houses. It was a mild summer and plenty of days to enjoy in the water. Seamus, like Liam, took to the water immediately. The biggest opportunity was that he "thought" he could swim and would want to do so without a float. He is definitely a little dare devil!

We also participated in a number of group activities with our friends. Some included a cup cake decorating party, many carnivals and fairs, painting classes and a make your own pizza activity at one of the local pizza restaurants (Johnny Brusco’s!). Every week was a busy week.

School started for Liam mid August. He seems to be transitioning well. He definitely feels that he is missing out on something fun when I drop him off in the morning. I send some time with him ensuring that he is having more fun at school than us at home. This time gave Seamus and me some time to do activities by ourselves and bond a little more without big brother.
When I started my new job, I had to enroll Seamus in a program at the same school as Liam on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It was the hardest thing I had to do. I wanted to cry! At least with Liam he was home with me until he was 3 years old.

The boys are getting so big! Seamus has begun talking a little more. He is also my little monkey. If there is something that can be climbed on, is he all over it!! He climbs up on my kitchen chairs and table. The thing that makes me nervous about this is that they are bar level chairs and table. He has tried to jump off of them twice now. It makes me scared that he is going to really hurt himself.

We went camping for the first time this year. It was a wonderful expierence. I can't wait to do it again! The boys both loved it - but unforunately, it was all just thrown together at the last minute. I can't wait until next year - there will be planty of trips planned!!

Fall is officially here.
Liam started to play soccer. He enjoys it, but likes to act as a “coach” rather than play. I can’t understand where he gets that mentality from!!

I also have him enrolled in a swim class. Seamus takes a Mommy and Me swim class too – I am hoping that they can learn to swim without floaties before next summer. Seamus is doing a Mom and Tot classes – which is similar to the Gymboree type class. It is suppose to help him develop his motor skills a bit more.

We are planning some trips with friends to the Pumpkin Patch and Maze. Liam has wanted to pick pumpkins for a couple of weeks now. We are also trying to decide if we can finally fit that trip home this month. It looks like touch and go with all that we have going on at work. I am hoping that it works out. I am missing home so much!!

I will defitinely have a lot to blog about coming up soon!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Begins!

Seamus enjoying the day with his friends. Blowing Bubbles, hunting for Easter Eggs and relaxing in the cool shade.
Liam hunting for Easter Eggs. He has so much fun at our Easter Party today!

Spring brings so many good things. With the plants trying to grow, the grass turning green and the birds singing. Best of all is the warm days that we get to go outside and enjoy!
This past week, Sean finally finished putting together the swingset for the boys. Liam is loving it! He cracks me up. Every morning you can hear him walk by the windows yelling "Mommy, my swingset is outside. Mommy, it is still there!". It is funny as he sounds like he is suprised and feels like he had a dream and that it should not still be there.
Last Saturday, the boys went roller skating for the first time. Liam loved roller skating. He went around the rink more times than I could count. He only fell a couple of times. That is until he saw that all of the children were falling a lot. I think that he thought that you were suppose to fall, as he began to fall every couple of minutes on purpose! He is too smart. I tried to tell him that you are not suppose to fall - but he would not listen - as all of his other friends were falling.
Today we went to an Easter Egg unt that was put together by the MOMS Club that we belong to. The pictures above are the boys enjoying themselves with their friends. Liam got to run around and play with the other kids. While Seamus crawled around and hung under the tree with his friends. Days like these are not only nice in many ways, but help me realized how truely blessed we are. We have friends that we enjoy spending time with. We have beautiful days and time to get out and enjoy them. It is wonderful.
The best part about the Hunt was when the Easter Bunny came to visit the children. Liam was so excited. Seamus, not so much. Although, I was able to get a picture of them both sitting on his lap. As soon as I receive the picture, I will be sure to share!
I think Seamus' favorite part was blowing the bubbles. Somedays I forget that there are things that he has not enjoyed or have seen yet. Like the joy of bubbles! He giggled so much. I wish I had a video camera instead of a still photo camera. It was absolutely hysterical and too cute!
Well, the boys are needing me - so I will catch you all soon! Love you! XOXO

Monday, March 23, 2009


From time to time I am going to share some of the little things that come out of the mouth of my wonderful 2 year old! We all know that kids say some funny things.

Over the last couple of weeks, Liam has been learning how to say "Yes Sir". I figured that since he just about has it down, we would throw in "Yes Ma'am". Well, one would think that would be no problem. Liam has been very big on the are you a boy or a girl or a man or a lady lately. So, I was telling him that when he is saying yes to me it is "Yes Ma'am" not "Yes Sir". He looked at me with the most serious expression and said "But Mommy, you are a girl - not a Man".

Seriously! How can you keep a straight face!!! It took me a few minutes to try to be sure that I am enunciating the Ma'AM as good as possible. I finally decided we would get back to that a little later.

Month of March

This month has been a busy one as usual.

Seamus has been a busy little boy. He continues to amaze me in how much he learns. He is so much like his older brother - and yet so different. This month he is saying "Oh oh" and waving good bye. He takes steps and stands on his own. Yet he completely refuses to walk! I really wish he would do it soon. Especially now that the nice weather is here. It will be so much more fun playing out in the yard and at parks if he is not crawling!

Liam continues to baffle me in so many ways. He is so intellegent. I enjoy having little conversations with him and teaching him different things. He is so beautiful!
This month we have been busy potty training. What a chore! I don't know how mothers get through this. It is so frusterating trying to explain to a 2 year old why we don't want to pee in our pants. The good news is - we are basically there!! He was easy to train to go "poopie" on the potty. The struggle was going "pee pee". He has occasional accidents, but is going to his potty. He even goes in public! Now just to convince him that he needs to wear his big boy underpants and we will be there.
The other struggle is sleeping through the night in his own bed. I have always been very proud that my children have been easy to go put down for the night. That has changed. Every night over the last couple of weeks, Liam gets out of his bed to come to our bed. It is frusterating. Not only for the reason that most of us know - there is not a child out there who sleeps straight and doesn't toss and turn ALL night long. But we know how important it is for Liam to be use t sleeping in his own bed at night!

In Sean's world - things have been good. Not really much to report there. He has been busy working and putting together all of the stuff we have been getting for the house.

My world has been a roller coaster ride. If you know me, I don't like roller coasters so much - especially since I have gotten older. Things with work have been difficult. I don't think that when people make changes that they understand the total impact of that change. Example - new toy testing regulations is costing the toy manufactures tons of money. Money that is hard enough to come up by during a tough economy. So of course, we have to find ways to compensate. FUN!
Currently, I am looking for a different oppurtunity that will allow me to take my current skills and apply them while learning more.

As a family we have been busy trying to keep busy. This past weekend we brought the boys to the Museum of Discovery in Little Rock. The drive is long! But the Museum was okay. It was one of the nicer ones I have been to in years. The boys had so much fun looking at different things and learning about things from tornados to bugs to trains and electricity. After we joined their Uncle Keith for a nice mexican dinner. Keith has been in Little Rock working for the last few months - so the boys loved being able to see him and spend some time with him.

I can't wait to see what the next few weeks hold in store for us! We will keep you posted. Til then, XOXO!