Sunday, September 27, 2009

Summer Endings and Fall Beginnings!

One of my favorite things about having children is the time that you can spend with them creating memories that last forever. This is one of the reasons that I chose to call our site "Mulligan Memories".

This summer was no exception to the rule. We had a wonderful summer - even with some challenges presented - and made the best we could out of it.
Unfortunately, I found myself unemployed come mid July. It was not a shock by any means and definitely a blessing. But anytime some major change happens, you always end up questioning everything. I was nervous due to the state of the economy and that many people that we knew that were unemployed had been for some time. Fortunately, this only lasted the summer and I had started a new job on September 14th.

With the "free" time, I was able to spend some much needed Mommy and boy’s time with Liam and Seamus. All without the stress of work and all that entail.

We spent some time at our neighborhood pool and over friend’s houses. It was a mild summer and plenty of days to enjoy in the water. Seamus, like Liam, took to the water immediately. The biggest opportunity was that he "thought" he could swim and would want to do so without a float. He is definitely a little dare devil!

We also participated in a number of group activities with our friends. Some included a cup cake decorating party, many carnivals and fairs, painting classes and a make your own pizza activity at one of the local pizza restaurants (Johnny Brusco’s!). Every week was a busy week.

School started for Liam mid August. He seems to be transitioning well. He definitely feels that he is missing out on something fun when I drop him off in the morning. I send some time with him ensuring that he is having more fun at school than us at home. This time gave Seamus and me some time to do activities by ourselves and bond a little more without big brother.
When I started my new job, I had to enroll Seamus in a program at the same school as Liam on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It was the hardest thing I had to do. I wanted to cry! At least with Liam he was home with me until he was 3 years old.

The boys are getting so big! Seamus has begun talking a little more. He is also my little monkey. If there is something that can be climbed on, is he all over it!! He climbs up on my kitchen chairs and table. The thing that makes me nervous about this is that they are bar level chairs and table. He has tried to jump off of them twice now. It makes me scared that he is going to really hurt himself.

We went camping for the first time this year. It was a wonderful expierence. I can't wait to do it again! The boys both loved it - but unforunately, it was all just thrown together at the last minute. I can't wait until next year - there will be planty of trips planned!!

Fall is officially here.
Liam started to play soccer. He enjoys it, but likes to act as a “coach” rather than play. I can’t understand where he gets that mentality from!!

I also have him enrolled in a swim class. Seamus takes a Mommy and Me swim class too – I am hoping that they can learn to swim without floaties before next summer. Seamus is doing a Mom and Tot classes – which is similar to the Gymboree type class. It is suppose to help him develop his motor skills a bit more.

We are planning some trips with friends to the Pumpkin Patch and Maze. Liam has wanted to pick pumpkins for a couple of weeks now. We are also trying to decide if we can finally fit that trip home this month. It looks like touch and go with all that we have going on at work. I am hoping that it works out. I am missing home so much!!

I will defitinely have a lot to blog about coming up soon!

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