Sunday, March 9, 2014

Back at Square 1

I would just cry, only if that would help.
This past year, I learned A LOT about myself.
1. I don't handle high stress as well as I thought I could.
2. I stress eat.
3. I internalize my feelings until I burst. Which is odd, since I am an "oversharer". Believe it or not, I am selective on what I do share.
With this, I have GAINED all of the weight that I had lost.....back. It seriously depresses me.
It has been a tough year. Won't go into too many details about that, however, did find that when I am stressed - like I work, I snack. Snack to comfort. Snack to fill voids. Snack to comfort. Snack when I just need a good cry or a hug.
I wish I was one of those people who could run off my stress. That would mean I would have to like running. Or exercising. We all know I don't.
Had a meeting with my fav Doctor a couple of weeks ago. First thing first. Managing these CRAZY panic attacks that I am having. Unfortunately, that is through meds for now. Then, we will begin to focus back on weight loss.
Which may be on hold until we see what the Urologist says about the wonderful little benign (yah!) tumor that is growing on my kidney. More news on that front when I get closer.

In the meantime, I am working to move stress out and trying to retrain my thinking on food....again.
How are you doing on your life changes?