Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Begins!

Seamus enjoying the day with his friends. Blowing Bubbles, hunting for Easter Eggs and relaxing in the cool shade.
Liam hunting for Easter Eggs. He has so much fun at our Easter Party today!

Spring brings so many good things. With the plants trying to grow, the grass turning green and the birds singing. Best of all is the warm days that we get to go outside and enjoy!
This past week, Sean finally finished putting together the swingset for the boys. Liam is loving it! He cracks me up. Every morning you can hear him walk by the windows yelling "Mommy, my swingset is outside. Mommy, it is still there!". It is funny as he sounds like he is suprised and feels like he had a dream and that it should not still be there.
Last Saturday, the boys went roller skating for the first time. Liam loved roller skating. He went around the rink more times than I could count. He only fell a couple of times. That is until he saw that all of the children were falling a lot. I think that he thought that you were suppose to fall, as he began to fall every couple of minutes on purpose! He is too smart. I tried to tell him that you are not suppose to fall - but he would not listen - as all of his other friends were falling.
Today we went to an Easter Egg unt that was put together by the MOMS Club that we belong to. The pictures above are the boys enjoying themselves with their friends. Liam got to run around and play with the other kids. While Seamus crawled around and hung under the tree with his friends. Days like these are not only nice in many ways, but help me realized how truely blessed we are. We have friends that we enjoy spending time with. We have beautiful days and time to get out and enjoy them. It is wonderful.
The best part about the Hunt was when the Easter Bunny came to visit the children. Liam was so excited. Seamus, not so much. Although, I was able to get a picture of them both sitting on his lap. As soon as I receive the picture, I will be sure to share!
I think Seamus' favorite part was blowing the bubbles. Somedays I forget that there are things that he has not enjoyed or have seen yet. Like the joy of bubbles! He giggled so much. I wish I had a video camera instead of a still photo camera. It was absolutely hysterical and too cute!
Well, the boys are needing me - so I will catch you all soon! Love you! XOXO